Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Character Problems have been solved now and i have a range of different coloured ones ready to go. Black, Red or Blue, so far, and me of course. If anyone has a particular request i can make to order :) They are still the blocky model (but slightly less blocky than the game ones) for the guys and the exact same as the game for the girls. The girls seem a bit closer to believable meshes and as changing meshes and skinning is the most time consuming part i left them.
Found a simple way to duplicate stuff in the generic browser as well if anyone would still find that useful.

*The blue guy has black arms for some reason, probably a coding mispell, but the black one works fine

I'm working on a custom weapon now, which is proving far more difficult than characters were, but hopefully i will have an umbrella some time soon. we were going to go for a T-square but the umbrella opens when you shoot, come on that's cool

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