Thursday, September 4, 2008


Different Threshold Conditions
An experiment to determine conditions that encourage or discourage the occupant to choose a particular path. The idea being that public and private spaces can be distinguished in subtle ways that could be specific to each user.
It also explores the possibilty of an arrangement of spaces that gives a sense of freedom and choice to the dementia sufferer but at the same time restricting this movement on a subconcious level.

Changing Spatial Relationships & Community Interaction
A variation on threshold conditions exploring how visual linking to, and involvement in a community activity can contribute to the experience of a space.
More pragmatically, it can explore the reception of different spaces, lighting conditions and the resulting arrangements.

Breaking down the structure to produce nodes
This experiment contrasts ideas of repetition in a modular arrangement versus an organic system. It aims to find a balance between the static impersonal hospital and something that can engage with the user on a more subjective level. It introduces breaks to a structural system to find relationships that aid in pathfinding and circulation through the memory of nodes and how they link together

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