Simmons Hall, MIT, Cambridge

Sarphatistraat Offices, Amsterdam

Menger Sponge
*Images from www.stevenholl.com*
here are a few of Steven Holls designs that cover a fair amount of the ideas and forms i was working towards. The Simmons Hall building incorporates light wells that flow and erode the otherwise strict bay structure.
The Sarphatistraat Office draws inspiration from the menger sponge, a famous 3d fractal structure.
I had been experimenting with the menger sponge myself for draft one but couldn't find a satisfying solution. i don't really find Holl's solution satisfying either but its the thought that counts.
These two projects combined would seem to produce a project that is eerily close to what i was imagining, a struggle between organic decay and rational structure. The fractal system gives an underlying order while allowing for repetition and disorientation whilst the organic forms break this structure to produce nodes and links between spaces.
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